
Wednesday, February 8, 2012


It's no secret that February is my favorite month. Not only is it the time of year we celebrate my glorious birthday (25 this year, can you believe it!?) but it's also a time for celebrating fashion. Between #NYFW, StyleCaster's #StateofStyle Summit, Independent Fashion Bloggers #IFBCON, StyleCoalition's #Fashion20 Awards and can do the math.

Hautegeek Heaven!

Twitter seems to be the main social media hub for catching all the action, so be sure to check out the hashtags above for some MAJOR insight into 2012's fashion and technology directions.

I wish I had the time (and money) to attend all the AMAZING conferences, shows, etc that are going on this month, but thanks to facebook livestreams and twitter chats (I know, right?), I've been able to keep up on all the East Coast happenings from here in California. I'll leave you with some of my favorite intel from this week o' info...

Speakers Rebecca Minkoff and brother, @UriMinkoff spoke on molding a truly socially-dialed in brand. Rebecca engages with consumers herself, and uses social media as the ultimate focus group to determine what customers want and like. Uri touched on facebook's "hacker mentality" and the idea of constantly pumping ideas out to the masses (whether good or bad) to push the envelope of innovation.

IFBCon reiterated what a lot of fashion bloggers have been picking up on...the rise of micro-blogging. Instagram and Pinterest (with 10 million monthly unique visits) have become essential tools to brands and bloggers, as a means of curating both consumer insight and interest. "Authentic" and "organic" were the buzz words of the week, proving that nothing sells and succeeds as greatly as originality and realness, i.e. posting when you legitimately have something to say, and staying true to your OWN voice and style.

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